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Dragon Eagle TV (DET) is dedicated to sharing the news about current affairs that directly impact our viewers lives.

Current Events and News

Oakland County Sheriff shares details of arrest of James, Jennifer Crumbley in Oxford shooting case

Oakland County Sheriff gives update on Oxford High School Shooting

Officials give update on Oxford High School Shooting

President Biden new actions on gas and oil prices|拜登总统宣布关于天然气和石油价格的新行动

President Biden remarks on Waukesha Parade Tragedy

President Biden Speaks at the Ford Rouge Electric Vehicle Center

【必看】拜登总统试驾福特新的电动皮卡F150闪电|Biden test drives the new electric Ford F150 Lightning

【中文字幕】密歇根州长对亚裔的仇恨和歧视发表讲话Gov. Whitmer’s message on hate and discrimination against Asian Americans

【中文字幕】拜登总统及第一夫人2021农历新年牛年贺词 | A Lunar New Year Message From The Biden family

Michigan restaurants can open at 25% capacity, with curfew starting Feb. 1

白宫新闻发布会Fauci博士介绍新冠疫情状况 White House press conf with Dr. Fauci on Coronavirus 0121 | 龙鹰卫视

抗议者冲入国会大厦/华盛顿特区实行宵禁//市长答记者问/Washington DC declares curfew after protesters storms Capitol buildings

Protesters storm Capital Building, 1 protester shot

VP Elect Harris publicly receives Moderna Coronavirus vaccine

Christmas Morning Explosion Rocks Country Music Capital Nashville

救助刺激方案参众两院达成协议预计今晚通过Sen. McConnell expects pandemic relief stimulus package to be finalized tonight

President Trump & First Lady pardon Thankgiving Turkey
【最新动态】白宫发言人就疫苗,选票舞弊,权力交接等尖锐问题答记者问/Press Sec. McEnany to hold briefing Nov.20/Drago EagleTV 龙鹰卫视
Launch of NASA's SpaceX Crew-1 Mission
川普总统参加 “老兵节”纪念仪式President Trump honors Veterans Day at Arlington National Cemetery
密歇根州长宣布新的疫苗和分配计划以及两党为退伍军人新的立法Gov. Whitmer press conference Nov 10
Governor Whitmer news conference on kidnapping plot
聯邦政府指控六名民兵參與密歇根州長綁架陰謀/AG Nessel & FBI news conference on arrests in Governor Whitmer Kidnapping Plot
Governor Whitmer gave an update on COVID-19, Michigan Supreme Court ruling and voting process, October 6/DETV龙鹰卫视
美国商务部公布的限制微信执行办法具体有哪些?最终华人能否继续使用微信腾讯是关键!法律专家为您详细解读,揭秘大众忽略细节/ 龙鹰卫视 Dragon Eagle TV (DETV)
美国驻华大使离任是为了给川普连任助选?1月20日之后中美关系将会有所缓解? 美国卡特中心中国项目主任刘亚伟解读 /龙鹰卫视Dragon Eagle TV (DETV)
美国务卿蓬佩奥发布有关中美关系各领域最新政策/Secretary of State Pompeo Press Briefing Sept 2/Dragon Eagle TV (DETV)龙鹰卫视
美大法官不容忍纵火抢劫及破坏公共与私人财产行为/Trump joins roundtable on public safety in Kenosha/Dragon Eagle TV龙鹰卫视DETV
小鹏汽车纽交所挂牌上市-专访何小鹏车城讲述互联网造车新思维/龙鹰卫视Dragon Eagle TV (DETV)
底特律警长发话不允许西雅图式的无政府状态区出现在底特律Chief Craig says No Seattle Zone of Lawlessness allowed in Detroit/龙鹰卫视
【最新动态】川普竞选团队起诉新泽西州邮寄选票记者问答/Press Secretary McEnany holds briefing 8/19/2020/ Dragon Eagle TV龙鹰卫视DETV
武漢三千人無口罩狂歡热烈画面彷佛疫情已不存在/Water party in Wuhan attracts thousands/龙鹰卫视 Dragon Eagle TV (DETV)
【热点新闻】亚马逊投资4亿美元底特律兴建集散中心 Mayor Duggan announces development of Amazon distribution center/龙鹰卫视 DETV 
Press Secretary McEnany holds Press Briefing August 10/Dragon Eagle TV (DETV)龙鹰卫视 
【法律时间】川普总统颁布有关抖音/微信行政令后在美华人还能继续使用微信吗?川普总统有权禁止微信在美使用吗?柏隆律师事务所鲜赫律师解读川普总统行政令/龙鹰卫视Dragon Eagle TV (DETV)
【最新动态】蓬佩奥称美国将寻求禁止抖音和微信等中国应用软件平台在美使用 Pompeo says US seeks to ban TikTok and WeChat/DragonEagleTV龙鹰卫视  
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing Aug 4
【突发新闻】黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特爆炸事件最新进展数千人受伤医院不堪重负引发对战争的回忆 Beirut Explosion thousands injured/DragonEagleTV龙鹰卫视
【最新动态】7/31白宫记者新闻会为何新冠疫情经济救援计划被拒White House Press Conference 31 July /DragonEagleTV龙鹰卫视 
【精彩瞬间】中国“天问一号”火星探测器首次发射升空精彩画面China has launched its first rover mission to Mars/DragonEagleTV龙鹰卫视 
【精彩瞬间】美国耗资27亿美元发射“毅力号 ”火星车升空精彩画面 NASA launched Perseverance rover to Mars/DragonEagleTV龙鹰卫视 
【热点新闻】成都美总领事馆关闭最后时刻及难以忘怀的历史 The history and the last moments of US Consulate in Chengdu/DETV龙鹰卫视 
【热点新闻】中国宣布关闭美国驻成都总领事馆 China orders closing of US Consulate in Chengdu 龙鹰卫视 
【热点新闻】休斯顿市长和中国驻休斯顿总领事对关闭休斯顿总领馆的回应Houston Mayor and Consul General Response to Consulate closing/龙鹰卫视 
【突发新闻】5/29特朗普最新对华政策及世卫组织关系新闻发布会President Trump Press Conference on WHO and China Policy May 29 龙鹰卫视 
Food of Love Detroit Testing Facility
Senator Peters Commemorates Memorial Day
特朗普总统在阵亡将士纪念日说了什么? President Trump at Memorial Day ceremony at Ft McHenry May 25【龙鹰卫视】
Food of Love day in Detroit to salute our frontline workers【龙鹰电视】
【精彩瞬间】蓝色天使飞行底特律上空致敬抗疫一线英雄 Blue Angels Flyover Detroit to salute our frontline responders【龙鹰电视】
America Strong Blue Angels prep for Tribute to American COVID19 front line workers #Americastrong
America Strong Thunderbirds prep for Tribute to American COVID19 front line workers. #Americastrong
【人口普查】如何在线完成 2020 年人口普查视频指南
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