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2020 年人口普查:聚焦亚裔美国人 2020 Census: Asian Americans in Focus

2020 年人口普查:聚焦亚裔美国人

2020 Census: Asian Americans in Focus

对 2020 年人口普查数据收集所做的改进更准确地描述了亚裔美国人的自我认同方式

Improvements made to 2020 Census data collection provides a more accurate depiction of how Asian Americans self-identify



美国人口普查局继续发布 2020 年人口普查的信息,以提供有关美国人口变化的丰富信息。从4 月的分配计数数据到8 月的重新划分数据,2020 年人口普查的每个数据集都逐步揭示了对亚裔美国人社区的了解。


根据最近2020 年人口普查的重新划分数据结果,亚洲特定人口显著增加。超过 2400 万人(占总人口的 7.2%)认定自己为“亚洲人单独或混血”。” “仅亚裔”是指只认定为亚裔而未报告任何其他种族的人。“亚洲单独或混血”包括那些报告亚裔的受访者,无论他们是否报告了任何其他种族。


2010 年至 2020 年间,仅亚裔人口就增长了 35.5%。 2020 年约有 1,990 万人(占所有受访者的 6%)认定自己为亚裔,高于 2010 年的 1,470 万人(4.8%)。

By: Staff


The U.S. Census Bureau continues to release information from the 2020 Census in order to provide rich information about the changing population of the United States. From the apportionment counts data in April to the redistricting data in August, each data set from the 2020 Census has progressively unveiled insights about the Asian American community. 

According to recent redistricting data results from the 2020 Census, there was a noticeable increase in the Asian-specific populations. Over 24 million people (7.2% of the total population) identified as “Asian alone or in combination.” “Asian alone” refers to people who reported Asian and did not report any other race. “Asian alone or in combination” consists of those respondents who reported Asian, whether or not they reported any other races. 

The Asian alone population grew by 35.5% between 2010 and 2020. Approximately 19.9 million people (6% of all respondents) identified as Asian alone in 2020, up from 14.7 million people (4.8%) in 2010.

相比之下,亚裔混血人口增长了 55.5%。2020 年约有 410 万人被认定为亚裔混血,高于 2010 年的 260 万人。约有270 万人被认定为亚裔和白人,使其成为最大的多种族亚裔群体。


夏威夷、加利福尼亚、华盛顿、内华达、新泽西、纽约、弗吉尼亚、阿拉斯加、马萨诸塞和马里兰是亚洲单独或混血人口比例最大的州。亚洲人单独或混血人口增长百分比最大的 10 个州是北达科他州、南达科他州、内布拉斯加州、哥伦比亚特区、北卡罗来纳州、印第安纳州、德克萨斯州、南卡罗来纳州、蒙大拿州和犹他州。




“根据过去十年的研究,我们对 2020 年人口普查的种族问题进行了多项设计改进,”人口普查局人口司种族统计处处长Rachel Marks说。“其中一个主要变化是为‘白人’和‘黑人或非裔美国人’种族类别添加了专门的写入回复区域,我们还在‘美洲印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民’种族类别中添加了示例。[对于] 亚裔和夏威夷原住民以及其他太平洋岛民类别,我们按人口规模重新排列了详细的亚裔和夏威夷原住民和其他太平洋岛民复选框。在夏威夷原住民和其他太平洋岛民类别中,我们根据反馈和研究将复选框类别 'Guamanian or Chamorro' 更改为 'Chamorro'。”

In comparison, the Asian in combination population grew by 55.5%. Approximately 4.1 million people identified as Asian in combination in 2020, up from 2.6 million people in 2010. Approximately 2.7 million people identified as Asian and White, making it the largest Multiracial Asian group. 

Hawaii, California, Washington, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Alaska, Massachusetts, and Maryland were the states with the largest percentages of the Asian alone or in combination populations. The 10 states with the largest percentage increase in the Asian alone or in combination population are North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, District of Columbia, North Carolina, Indiana, Texas, South Carolina, Montana, and Utah.

The new data reflects changes in the population and the improvements in how the Census asked the questions and captured and coded the responses, a process that has changed nearly every decade throughout the history of the Census to reflect social, political and economic factors.

“We’ve made several design improvements to the race question for the 2020 Census based on the research over the past decade,” said Rachel Marks, Branch Chief, Racial Statistics Branch at the Census Bureau’s Population Division. “One of the major changes was adding dedicated write-in response areas and examples for the ‘White’ and the ‘Black or African American’ racial categories, and we also added examples to the ‘American Indian or Alaska Native’ racial category. [For] the Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander categories, we reordered the detailed Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander checkboxes by population size. And in the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander category, we changed the checkbox category ‘Guamanian or Chamorro’ to ‘Chamorro’ based on feedback and research.”



为了更频繁地向公众提供详细信息,过去每十年收集一次数据的人口普查长表的数据每年通过美国社区调查 (ACS) 发布。人口普查局还发布其他数据产品,例如人口和住房特征文件 (DHC) 和详细的人口和住房特征文件 (Detailed DHC)


人口普查局人口司种族和民族研究与外展主任兼高级顾问Nicholas Jones说:“我们有更多的数据可以在未来从 2020 年人口普查中发布。” “详细的 DHC 将包括详细种族人口的表格。在这里,您将能够获得有关详细亚洲群体的数据,例如中国人、韩国人、泰国人、越南人、亚洲印度人等等。” 一些示例包括性别和年龄的人口统计和住房特征、家庭和家庭类型以及使用权(住房单元是业主自住还是租户)。

The changes provide a more thorough and accurate depiction of how people self-identify. The re-ordered checkboxes for Asian and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander by population size are: Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Other Asian (for example, Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, etc.), Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Other Pacific Islander (for example, Tongan, Fijian, Marshallese, etc.).

In order to provide the public with detailed information more frequently, data that were historically collected only once every 10 years by the decennial census long form is released annually through the American Community Survey (ACS). The Census Bureau also releases other data products such as the Demographic and Housing Characteristics file (DHC) and the Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics file (Detailed DHC)

“We have a lot more data to release in the future from the 2020 Census,” said Nicholas Jones, Director and Senior Advisor of Race and Ethnic Research and Outreach at the Census Bureau’s Population Division. “The Detailed DHC will include tables on detailed racial populations. This is where you’ll be able to get data on detailed Asian groups, such as Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, and many more.” Some examples include demographic and housing characteristics for sex and age, household and family type, and tenure (whether a housing unit is owner-occupied or renter-occupied).

美国人口普查局公共信息办公室主任Michael Cook说:“人口普查不是我们进行的,也不是对你做的,而是美国公众参与的。” “这是一项巨大的努力,这是与许多合作伙伴共同完成的努力,这些合作伙伴帮助我们接触到每个社区,以确保人们了解进行人口普查的价值和重要性。”






请参见此处了解关于人口分布和 2020 年人口普查变化的美国统计故事:




2020 年人口普查重新划分新闻资料袋,其中包括所有美国人口统计故事和其他资源:




在此处访问所有 2020 年人口普查重新划分数据到人口普查区块级别:



“The Census isn’t something that we conduct or something that is done to you, it’s something the American public participates in,” said Michael Cook, Chief of the Public Information Office at the U.S. Census Bureau. “It’s a big effort, and it’s an effort that is done in concert with many partners that have helped us reach each and every community to ensure that people know the value, the importance, of conducting the Census.” 

For more information, visit


See here for the America Counts story on population distribution and change from the 2020 Census:

See here for the America Counts story on improved race and ethnicity measures:

2020 Census Redistricting Press Kit, which includes all America Counts stories and other resources:

For Race and Ethnicity data at the nation, states and county:

Access all 2020 Census Redistricting data down to the census block level here:

Post-Enumeration Survey Press Kit:

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