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We Can Do This 新冠肺炎公众教育活动


截至 8 月 10 日,疾病控制和预防中心 (CDC) 数据显示,虽然亚裔美国人是接种加强针最多的群体之一(其中近 70% 符合条件者已经接种第一针加强针),但在完成全程疫苗接种的 50 岁或以上亚裔美国人中,仅有 14% 的人士接种了第二针加强针。夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民的第一针加强针接种率仍然很低,只有不到一半的 5 岁及以上人口接种了第一针加强针。

为此,We Can Do This 新冠肺炎公众教育活动促成各社区组织携手共进,以提高全国各地疫苗和加强针的接种率。

太平洋岛屿民族艺术博物馆 (PIEAM) 和赋权太平洋岛民社区 (EPIC) 展开了合作,通过名为 Toe Fo’i: The Return 的社区展览,使丧生于新冠肺炎者背后的数字更有人情味。通过 6 位太平洋岛民艺术家讲述的故事所蕴含的力量,Toe Fo’i: The Return 唤起了一种情感,「提醒着参观者,逝者的故事同时也是幸存者的故事。」PIEAM 客座策展人和 EPIC 故事讲述者 Kiki Rivera 说。

「新冠肺炎摧毁了我们夏威夷原住民和太平洋岛民的生活,」Rivera 说,「我们致力于唤起人们对疫苗和加强针重要性的认知,也致力于引导社区消除相关错误信息、恐惧、不信任和授权等阻碍。」


加强针是对重疾和死亡的最佳防护措施。随着时间推移,疫苗预防新冠肺炎的效果可能会降低,而且即使您已经得过新冠肺炎,也并不意味着您不会再次感染。加强针可延长防护时间,更好地保护您免受新型变种病毒的侵袭。顾名思义,加强针是另一针疫苗注射,它会随着时间的推移加强对病毒的免疫力。接种过疫苗的人若再接种加强针,就不太可能感染病毒;就算他们真的感染了,病情通常也会比较轻。对于 65 岁以上的成年人来说,加强针可提高其防护力一倍以上。

疫苗和加强针可以保护易感人群免受新冠侵害。5 岁以上的个人只要完成了基础新冠疫苗接种,就应接种加强针。接种了最新新冠疫苗的个人不仅能为自己提供防护,而且还有助于降低新冠病毒传播至因年龄或免疫系统受损而处于高风险的人群之机率。

第二针加强针为高风险人群提供额外防护。50 岁以上的成年人和免疫力低下的个人可以通过第二针加强针进一步强化防护力。CDC 建议为以下人群接种辉瑞 (Pfizer) 或莫德纳 (Moderna) 疫苗进行第二次强化: 

• 50 岁以上且于四个月或更久前接种了第一针加强针之人士。

• 至少在四个月前接种过强生 (Johnson & Johnson) 疫苗和第一针加强针之人士。

• 长期居住在护理机构之人士。

• 患有某些影响免疫系统的潜在疾病之人士,以及

• 已怀孕和最近怀孕之人士。

所有 5 岁以上已接种疫苗者均可随时接种加强针。和疫苗一样,任何美国居民都可以免费接种加强针。接种过辉瑞或莫德纳疫苗的个人应该在完成基础疫苗接种后的五个月内接种加强针。18 岁以上已接种疫苗的成年人无论之前接种的疫苗类型或品牌是什么,都可以选择任何可用疫苗作为加强针。只有辉瑞疫苗可作为 5 至 17 岁人群的加强针。


Get a Boost Against COVID: What You Need to Know About Boosters

By the We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign

COVID vaccines and boosters have reduced the threat of COVID, allowing many people to gather, travel, and celebrate with more peace of mind. Vaccines and boosters provide the best protection against the worst outcomes of COVID, yet people still have many questions around boosters.

As of August 10, CDC data showed that while Asian Americans were among the highest boosted group—with nearly 70 percent of those eligible having received their first booster doses—only 14 percent of fully vaccinated Asian Americans 50 years or older have gotten their second booster. First booster rates are still low for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, with less than half of the population age 5 and older receiving their first booster doses.

To that end, the We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign has engaged community-based organizations as partners to increase vaccine and booster uptake across the country.

A partnership between Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum (PIEAM) and Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC) has humanized the numbers behind those lost to COVID-19 with a curated community exhibit titled, Toe Fo’i: The Return. Through the power of storytelling from 6 Pasifika artists, Toe Fo’i: The Return evokes a narrative that “reminds visitors the stories of those lost are the stories of those who survived,” says Kiki Rivera, PIEAM Guest Curator and EPIC Storyteller.

“COVID-19 devasted our Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders,” says Rivera, “We are as dedicated to drawing awareness to the importance of vaccines and boosters as we are to guiding our communities through the hurdles of misinformation, fear, mistrust, and entitlement that surround the topic.”

Here is what people should know about the COVID boosters:

Boosters provide the best protection against severe illness and death. Over time, vaccines may become less effective at preventing COVID, and just because you’ve had COVID doesn’t mean you can’t get it again. Getting boosted extends your protection and keeps you safer from emerging variants. A booster shot is another dose that — as the name suggests — boosts immunity to the virus as time passes. Vaccinated people who have also had a booster are less likely to get sick; but if they do catch the virus, the illness is usually less severe. For adults ages 65 or older, boosters can more than double their protection.

Vaccines and boosters protect vulnerable populations against COVID. Everyone 5 or older who has completed their initial COVID vaccination series should get a booster. Individuals who are up to date on COVID vaccines not only receive protection for themselves, but they also help reduce the spread of COVID to people who are at high risk due to age or compromised immune systems.

Second boosters provide added protection for people at higher risk. Adults age 50 or older and immunocompromised individuals can improve their protection even more with a second booster. CDC recommends second boosters, with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, for: 

• People age 50 or older who got their first booster four months or more ago,

• People who got a Johnson & Johnson vaccine and their first booster with a Johnson & Johnson dose at least four months ago,

• Residents of long-term care settings,

• People with certain underlying medical conditions that impact their immune systems, and

• Pregnant and recently pregnant people.

Boosters are readily available to all vaccinated people ages 5 years or older. Just like the vaccines, booster shots are available at no cost to anyone living in the U.S. People who got Pfizer or Moderna vaccines should get a booster five months after the initial doses. Vaccinated adults 18 or older may choose any available vaccine as a booster, regardless of the type or brand of vaccine received previously. Only the Pfizer vaccine is available as a booster for those ages 5 to 17.

For more information and to find a vaccine, visit

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