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Children 5 Years and Older Now Eligible For COVID-19 Vaccine

5 歲及以上的孩子現有資格接種 COVID-19 疫苗

讓孩子遠離 COVID-19 的方法

兒童和青少年感染和傳播 COVID-19 的比例日益增高。即使您的兒童和青少年還未感染 COVID-19,他們仍處於風險之中,特別是在某些州的居民接種疫苗的人數較少,而且在全國每五例新增 COVID-19 確診病例中,就有一例是兒童。 

當兒童和青少年返回學校與朋友見面,參加音樂課和體育等活動,這表示他們可能攜帶 COVID-19 病毒回家傳染您與家中長輩的機會比疫情爆發以來更大。



若要保護孩子避免感染 COVID-19 以及任何潛在併發症,包括避免將疾病傳播給家裡的親人,最佳做法是在他們符合接種資格時立即接種疫苗。 COVID-19 疫苗免費,廣泛充足,以及有效預防因 COVID-19 導致的住院治療和死亡。像大多數疫苗一樣,接種後可能會出現一些輕微的副作用,如手臂痠痛或稍感疲勞,但感染 COVID-19 的症狀及長期影響則更為嚴重。最終,對於兒童和青少年來說,接種 COVID-19 疫苗要比感染該疾病本身要安全得多,而且接種疫苗還可以減少傳播該疾病的風險。


如果您的孩子不符合疫苗接種資格,您仍可採用推薦的預防方法使其遠離 COVID-19 ,例如群聚或在室內時盡可能與他人保持社交距離,繼續佩戴口罩。即使是已接種過疫苗,群聚及在室內公共場所時也應該佩戴口罩。大多數孩子都可以安全有效佩戴口罩,因此務必提醒他們佩戴口罩以保護其自身與他人的安全,並以戴口罩為榜樣。 


確保孩子身邊的人都接種疫苗,這有助於防止未接種疫苗的孩子感染 COVID-19 或將其傳播給其他易感人群。鼓勵在生活中與孩子有交集的成年人接種疫苗,包括祖父母、朋友的父母和老師,以保護他們自己和您的孩子。 

兒童和青少年與成年人一樣容易感染 COVID-19 ,而且他們會將病毒傳播給其他感染風險更大的人,比如您家裡的長輩。越來越多的兒童和青少年因 COVID-19 而住院治療。讓所有符合接種資格的兒童和青少年接種疫苗並遵循簡單的預防措施,以保護您的孩子、家人和朋友,有助於控制疫情。 


Children 5 Years and Older Now Eligible For COVID-19 Vaccine

Ways to Keep Your Child Safe from COVID-19

Children and teens are catching and spreading COVID-19 at an increasingly high rate. Even if your child or teen has not yet contracted COVID-19, they are at risk, especially with the low number of vaccinated residents in certain states and the fact that children make up one out of five new COVID-19 cases nationwide. 

Children and teens in particular are back in school, seeing friends, and doing activities such as music lessons and sports—which means the chances of them bringing COVID-19 home to you and the elders in your family are greater than they have been since the start of the pandemic.

If you want to worry less when your child gives grandma a hug or goes to visit auntie, here are some steps you can take to protect them and your entire family. 

Get Your Child Vaccinated Now

The best way to protect your child from COVID-19 and all the potential complications — including spreading the disease to loved ones at home — is to get them vaccinated as soon as they are eligible. The COVID-19 vaccine is free, widely available, and highly effective in preventing hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Like most vaccines, some minor side effects may occur, such as a sore arm or slight fatigue, but the symptoms and long-term impact of contracting COVID-19 are much more serious. Ultimately, it is much safer for children and teens to get a COVID-19 vaccine than getting the disease itself, and being vaccinated reduces the risk of spreading the disease.

Practice Prevention 

If your child is not eligible to be vaccinated, you can still keep them safe from COVID-19 by practicing recommended prevention methods such as physical distancing when possible and continuing to wear a mask, especially in crowds or while indoors. Even people who have been vaccinated should wear a mask in crowds and public indoor places. Most children can safely and effectively wear face masks, so it’s important to remind them that it keeps them and other people safe, and to set an example by wearing a mask too. 

Encourage Adults in Your Child’s Life to Get Vaccinated

Ensuring that those who spend time around your child are vaccinated helps keep an unvaccinated child from getting sick or spreading COVID-19 to other vulnerable people. Talk to the adults in your child’s life—grandparents, friends’ parents, and teachers—about getting vaccinated to protect themselves and your child.

Children and teens are just as susceptible to COVID-19 as adults, and they can spread the virus to others who are at even greater risk, such as the elders in your family. A growing number of children and teens have been hospitalized with COVID-19. Getting all eligible children and teens vaccinated and following simple prevention measures will protect them, your families, and friends, and get us one step closer to getting this pandemic under control. 

For more information and to find a vaccine, visit

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