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Gold House 聯合其他 API 品牌透過為 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 舉辦的活動喜迎虎年

Gold House 聯合其他 API 品牌透過為 

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 舉辦的活動喜迎虎年

田納西州,曼非斯(2022 年 1 月 25 日訊)— Gold House 與多家亞裔及太平洋島民的品牌聯合開展其針對St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® 的第二次農曆新年活動,從而為 St. Jude 的患者家庭帶來好運,增強醫院對其救死扶傷使命的意識並提供支援: 尋找治療方法。挽救兒童生命。(Finding cures. Saving children.®)

2 月 1 日到 4 月 30 日期間,購物者可在選購參與活動之品牌的商品時選擇在結賬流程向     St. Jude 捐贈。此外,每筆銷售收益中的一部分都將用於 St. Jude 對兒童期癌症及其他危及生命之疾病的研究和治療。

兒科癌症是耗資萬億美元的多年難題,需要數以百萬的支援者共同努力來解決。類似這樣的合作關係及公眾同心同力,使得 St. Jude 挽救兒童生命的目標成為可能。


「Gold House 對於再一次與 Jude Children’s Research Hospital 展開合作感到非常自豪,從而在 Gold House 社區於支援和推進癌症及其他災難性兒童疾病之關鍵研究和治療方面指導 API 創立企業的聯合力量。」Gold House Futures 主管 Mikkoh Chen 表示。

St. Jude 於去年推出了價值 $115 億美元、有史以來最大型的六年戰略計劃,透過履行其將全球投資增加三倍及每年多幫助全球 400,000 名患癌兒童的承諾,為身患癌症及其他重症疾病的兒童打造更美好的未來。 

感謝各位慷慨解囊的志願者,使得 St. Jude 能夠推進與世界衛生組織 (World Health Organization) 的重要合作,提升全球獲取兒童癌症藥物的情況,從而令 St. Jude 的影響力在 2027 年之前遍及 50 個國家/地區的 120,000 名年輕癌症患者。

參與本次農曆新年活動的品牌包括 CovryDagne DoverDuck Duck BooksFly By JingGlow RecipeHealth-AdeNeuro GumNona LimThe QiSanzo Tochi Snacks。這些活動可提供各種各樣的產品,包括食品、調味品、飲料、書籍、眼鏡用品、美容產品和手袋。部分品牌是 Gold House 創始人網路的成員,該網路是饒有前途的亞裔及太平洋島民創業者和企業領導的跨產業社區。

St. Jude 患者家庭體現了「老虎」般的力量和勇氣。接受 St. Jude 的治療後恢復健康的兒童包括曾患有被稱為「顱咽管瘤」(Craniopharyngioma) 的侵襲性非癌腦腫瘤的 Calvin、曾患有眼部癌症視網膜母細胞瘤的 Max,以及曾被診斷為患有罕見血液病 — 范科尼貧血症 (Fanconi Anemia) 的 Maelin-Kate。以 St. Jude 患者 Maelin-Kate 名字命名的限量版虎年毛絨玩具可透過 St. Jude 禮品店購買。



全球有數十億人慶祝農曆新年。該節日從農曆的第一個新月開始。親人們團聚在一起,舉辦慶祝盛宴並保持著交換紅包的傳統——紅包中裝有現金送給孩子,從而辭舊迎新。虎年從 2 月 1 日開始。

關於 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ®

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 引領全球了解、治療和戰勝兒童期癌症及其他危及生命疾病的道路。它的目的明確:尋找治療方法。挽救兒童生命。(Finding cures. Saving children. ®) 它是 National Cancer Institute(國家癌症研究所)唯一指定的專用於兒童的綜合癌症中心。自 St. Jude 於 50 年前成立以來,其研究的治療方法已幫助兒童期癌症的整體存活率從 20% 提升到超過 80%。St. Jude 不會停止前進的步伐,直至所有兒童都不會因癌症而死。St. Jude 分享其所有重大進展,在 St. Jude 每有一名兒童獲救就意味著全球的醫生和科學家都可以使用這些知識來挽救成千上萬的其他兒童。感謝捐贈者的慷慨,患者家庭從不會收到 St. Jude 的治療、旅行、住宿或食物賬單,以便其專注於幫助孩子們存活。請造訪 St. Jude Inspire,探索 St Jude 充滿希望、力量、關愛與愛心的極具感染力的故事。請造訪、在 Facebook 上為 St. Jude 按讚、在 TwitterInstagram TikTok 上關注 St. Jude,並訂閱其 YouTube 頻道,從而加入 St. Jude 使命。

關於 Gold House

Gold House 引領 API 變革者社區,共同為爭取社會經濟平等而奮鬥。我們透過主張真實 API 來表達和加速 API 成功的創意項目來轉變公眾印象。如欲了解更多詳情,請造訪 或是在 InstagramTwitterFacebook LinkedIn 上關注 @GoldHouseCo。   


如要聯絡 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 或 St. Jude 的籌資與意識機構 (ALSAC),請傳送電子郵件至

Stella Hill 

Ashley Honma

Gold House, other API brands to usher in Year of the Tiger 

with campaign for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Jan. 25, 2022) – Gold House is partnering with several Asian and Pacific Islander-owned brands for its second annual Lunar New Year campaign for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® to bring good fortune to St. Jude patient families and raise awareness and support for its lifesaving mission: Finding cures. Saving children.®

From February 1 through April 30, when shoppers purchase from participating brands, they will have the option to donate to St. Jude during the checkout process. Additionally, a portion of the proceeds from each sale will go toward St. Jude research and treatment of childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Pediatric cancer is a trillion-dollar, multi-year problem, requiring millions of supporters coming together to solve. The public and partnerships like this one make it possible for St. Jude to save children together. 

“Gold House is proud to once again partner with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to direct the collective power of API-founded businesses in the Gold House community toward supporting and advancing its crucial research and treatment of cancer and other catastrophic children’s diseases,” said Mikkoh Chen, Head of Gold House Futures.

Last year St. Jude launched its six-year $11.5 billion strategic plan– the largest in St. Jude history – to create a brighter future for children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases by delivering on its promise to triple its global investments and help more of the 400,000 children with cancer around the world each year.  

Thanks to generous supporters, St. Jude has pressed ahead with a vital collaboration with the World Health Organization to increase global access to pediatric cancer medicines, which will allow St. Jude to impact as many as 120,000 young cancer patients in 50 countries by 2027.

Participating brands in the Lunar New Year campaign include CovryDagne DoverDuck Duck BooksFly By JingGlow RecipeHealth-AdeNeuro GumNona LimThe QiSanzo and Tochi Snacks。These companies offer a wide array of products, including food, condiments, beverages, books, eyewear, beauty and handbags. Several of them are members of the Gold House Founder Network, a cross-industry community of promising Asian and Pacific Islander entrepreneurs and business leaders.

St. Jude patient families embody the strength and courage of the Tiger. Among the children who are thriving after receiving treatment at St. Jude are Calvin、who had an aggressive, non-cancerous brain tumor called craniopharyngioma, Max,who had retinoblastoma, a cancer of the eye, and Maelin-Kate who was diagnosed with a rare blood disease called Fanconi anemia. A limited-edition Tiger plush toy named after St. Jude patient Maelin-Kate is available via the St. Jude Gift Shop.

For additional campaign information, visit。 

About Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year is celebrated by billions of people around the world. The holiday begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar. Loved ones gather to usher out the old year and welcome the new with celebratory feasts and the traditional exchange of monetary gifts in red envelopes to children. The Year of the Tiger commences on February 1.

About St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ®

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Its purpose is clear: Finding cures. Saving children.® It is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to more than 80% since the hospital opened more than 50 years ago. St. Jude won’t stop until no child dies from cancer. St. Jude shares the breakthroughs it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. Because of generous donors, families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. Visit St. Jude Inspire,to discover powerful St. Jude stories of hope, strength, love and kindness. Join the St. Jude mission by visiting、liking St. Jude on Facebook following St. Jude on TwitterInstagram and TikTok and subscribing to its YouTube channel.

About Gold House

Gold House is the leading API changemaker community, fighting together for socioeconomic equity. We transform the public narrative through innovative programs that champion authentic API representation and accelerate API success. To learn more, visit or follow @GoldHouseCo on InstagramTwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.  

Media Contacts:

To connect with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude, email

Stella Hill 

Ashley Honma

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