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AARP 樂齡會報告:疫情期間零售藥品價格持續上漲,速度高於通貨膨脹

AARP 樂齡會報告:疫情期間零售藥品價格持續上漲,速度高於通貨膨脹

AARP Report: Retail Drug Prices Continued to Rise Faster than Inflation During the Pandemic

分析顯示,2015 年至 2019 年,由於藥品價格漲幅超過一般通脹率,Medicare Part D 在排名靠前的品牌藥上的支出增加近 400 億美元


華盛頓—據AARP 樂齡會 公共政策研究所 (Public Policy Institute, PPI) 的一份新 報告顯示,2020 年,有 260 種常用品牌處方藥零售價格的上漲速度是一般通貨膨脹的兩倍多,漲幅爲 2.9%,而通脹率爲 1.3%。一種經常使用品牌藥的年平均費用超過 6,600 美元,比 2015 年高出超過 1,500 美元。對於每月服用 4-5 種處方藥的典型美國老年人來說,去年的年度治療費用已超過 3.1 萬美元,遠遠超過 Medicare 受益人的平均年收入 2.6 萬美元。

AARP 樂齡會執行副主席兼公共政策總監 Debra Whitman 稱:「即使是在疫情和金融危機期間,品牌藥公司還在繼續提高價格,上漲速度遠比其他商品和服務快得多,這是不可原諒的。沒有人應該被迫選擇是支付賬單,還是支付藥費以保持健康。我們的領導現在需要採取行動來降低藥品價格。」

儘管 2020 年是至少自 2006 年以來年平均價格上漲最慢的一年,但仍然是通脹率的兩倍多,並且隨後幾年的年平均價格漲幅也相當高。AARP 樂齡會分析了這些價格趨勢是如何隨着時間的推移而積累起來的,並發現如果 2006 年至 2020 年的零售價格變化限制在通脹率之內,那麼一個常用品牌藥的年平均藥物治療費用將在 2020 年降低近 3,700 美元。這些費用的增加對治療常見慢性病的藥物產生了重大影響。


  • 2015 年至 2020 年,幾種常用糖尿病處方藥零售價格上漲,例如,Victoza 從 2015 年的每年 7,936 美元上漲到 2020 年的 11,300 美元,Trulicity 在同一時期從每年 6,567 美元上漲到 9,323 美元。
  • 使用哮喘和 COPD(慢性肺部阻塞)藥物的成本也在持續攀升,例如,Spiriva Handihaler 從 2015 年的每年 3,886 美元增加到 2020 年的每年 5,289 美元,Symbicort 在同一時期從 3,391 美元增加到 4,282 美元。


藥品價格上漲也在嚴重影響著 Medicare Part D 支出。AARP 樂齡會的第二項 PPI 分析發現,2015 年至 2019 年期間,Medicare Part D 在前 50 種品牌藥上的支出增加近 400 億美元,這完全是由比通脹率還高的藥品價格上漲造成的。如果價格變化限制在一般通脹率範圍內,那麼研究期間 Medicare Part D 在前 50 種藥品上的總支出就會達到 2,508 億美元,而不是 2,891 億美元。


AARP 樂齡會公共政策研究所醫護成本和可得性主任及報告合著者 Leigh Purvis 稱:「2015 年到 2019 年,平均來看,在前 50 種品牌藥中,有近 90% 的年價格漲幅超過了相應的通脹率。藥品價格持續上漲是不公平的,即使是已經上市數十年的藥物也不應如此。如果要一直支付世界上最高的藥價,那麼美國人支付不起。」


AARP 樂齡會一直在積極呼籲國家和州立法者採取行動來降低處方藥價格,並在推動對於一些聯邦政策解決方案的支援,包括:


  • 價格協商:允許 Medicare 協商受益人所用處方藥的價格,並允許其他保險公司拿到 Medicare 協商的價格。
  • 基於通貨膨脹的貼現: 當 Medicare Part B 和 D 承保的處方藥價格上漲快於通貨膨脹時,要求藥品製造商支付罰款。
  • 自付額上限:爲 Medicare Part D 的加入者建立硬性自付額支出上限。




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AARP樂齡會是美國最大的非營利性、無黨派組織,致力於幫助和激勵50歲以上的人群享有自我選擇的生活方式。 AARP樂齡會在全國范圍內擁有近3800萬成員,它鞏固並加強社區,倡導對家庭最重要的事情:健康保障,財務穩定和個人成就感。 AARP樂齡會還發行全國最大的發行出版物:《AARP樂齡會雜誌》和《AARP樂齡會簡報》。了解更多信息,請訪問中文官網 或關注AARP樂齡會微信公眾號 。

Analysis shows Medicare Part D spent nearly $40 billion more on top brand name drugs between 2015 and 2019 due to price increases that exceeded the general inflation rate


WASHINGTON—In 2020, retail prices for 260 widely used brand name prescription drugs increased more than twice as fast as general inflation, rising 2.9% compared to an inflation rate of 1.3%, according to a new report from AARP’s Public Policy Institute (PPI). The average annual cost for one brand name medication used on a regular basis was over $6,600, more than $1,500 higher than in 2015. For the typical older American taking 4-5 prescription drugs per month, the annual cost of therapy would have been more than $31,000 last year, far more than the $26,000 average annual income for Medicare beneficiaries.

“It’s inexcusable that even during a pandemic and financial crisis, brand name drug companies continued to increase their prices so much faster than the prices of other goods and services,” said Debra Whitman, Executive Vice President and Chief Public Policy Officer at AARP. “No one should be forced to choose between paying their bills and paying for the medicine they need to stay healthy. Our leaders need to take action now to lower drug prices. ”

Although 2020 had the slowest average annual price increase since at least 2006, it was still more than twice the rate of inflation and followed several years with considerably higher average annual price increases. AARP analyzed how these price trends accumulated over time and found that the average annual cost of drug therapy for one brand name drug used regularly would have been almost $3,700 lower in 2020 if retail price changes had been limited to inflation between 2006 and 2020. These cost increases have had significant impact on medications used to treat common chronic conditions.

  • Between 2015 and 2020, the retail prices of several widely used prescription drugs used to treat diabetes increased, such as Victoza, which increased from $7,936 per year in 2015 to $11,300 in 2020, and Trulicity, which increased from $6,567 to $9,323 over the same time period.
  • Medications for asthma and COPD also continued climbing in costs, such as Spiriva Handihaler, which increased from $3,886 per year in 2015 to $5,289 per year in 2020, and Symbicort, which increased from $3,391 to $4,282 over the same time period.

Drug price increases also play a major role in Medicare Part D spending. A second AARP PPI analysis found that, between 2015 and 2019, Medicare Part D spent nearly $40 billion more on 50 top brand name drugs that was solely attributable to drug price increases that exceeded inflation. Medicare Part D spending for the top 50 drugs would have totaled $250.8 billion over the study period—instead of $289.1 billion—if price changes had been limited to the rate of general inflation.

“On average, nearly 90% of the top 50 brand name drugs had annual price increases that exceeded the corresponding rate of inflation from 2015 through 2019,” said Leigh Purvis, Director Health Care Costs and Access, AARP Public Policy Institute, and co-author of the reports. “It’s unfair that drug prices keep rising, even for medications that have been on the market for decades. Americans can’t afford to keep paying the highest drug prices in the world.”

AARP has been at the forefront of calling on national and state lawmakers to take action to lower prescription drug prices and is pushing for support on a number of federal policy solutions, including:

  • Price Negotiation: Allow Medicare to negotiate the prices of prescription drugs for its beneficiaries and allow other insurers to have access to the Medicare-negotiated prices.
  • Inflation Based Rebates: Require drug manufacturers to pay a penalty when their prices for prescription drugs covered by Medicare Parts B and D increase faster than inflation.
  • Out-of-Pocket Cap: Create a hard out-of-pocket spending cap for Medicare Part D enrollees.

To view “Rx Price Watch Report” visit

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About AARP
AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With a nationwide presence and nearly 38 million members, AARP strengthens communities and advocates for what matters most to families: health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also produces the nation's largest circulation publications: AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. To learn more, visit or follow @AARP and @AARPadvocates on social media.

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