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WWE新超级巨星李霞闪亮登场SmackDown - 龙鹰卫视


“我一直都在保护自己和家人。”李霞说:“我的角色来自我的现实生活。武术教会我们用自己的能力去帮助别人,这就是我想做的事情。我很高兴可以向世界展示我的故事,我想成为「守护者(The Protector)」。”


李霞于上海选秀中给星探留下了深刻印象,然后在数月后参加了首届“梅.杨女摔经典争霸赛(Mae Young Classic tournament)”,这也是她首场上阵的赛事。虽然当时李霞的擂台经验尚浅,但即使在巨大的压力下,也没有丝毫退缩。 

自此之后,李霞缔造一个接一个的职业里程碑,从参加有史以来第二届的女子王室决战大赛(Royal Rumble Match),到之后更成为NXT女子组的超级巨星。 

今年较早时,在2021年WWE选秀大会上,李霞被选中加入SmackDown,即WWE的一档周播家庭电视节目。全年52周,每周为大家带来扣人心弦的角色和无与伦比的运动体验。SmackDown以超过28种语言在全球180多个国家和地区播出,覆盖全球9亿家庭。作为一家全球性的家庭娱乐公司,WWE吸引数百万体育和娱乐粉丝,并且培养出巨石强森(Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson)和约翰.塞纳(John Cena)等明星。 


New WWE Superstar Xia Li Makes Her SmackDown Debut

By: Staff Writer

Xia Li, the first-ever female Chinese WWE Superstar, made her nationally televised debut on SmackDown in Los Angeles on Friday, December 10, live on FOX. Known as “The Protector,” Li is a champion for good and defends those who are vulnerable.

“I've always protected myself and my family,” said Xia Li. “My character is drawn from my real life. Martial arts teaches us to use our abilities to help people, and this is what I want to do. I'm very happy to show the world my story, and I want to be 'The Protector.’”

Li, who hails from Chongqing, China, was a top-flight fighter in the Chinese martial art of wushu when WWE came calling. Using her extensive martial arts background and due to her tireless work ethic in the WWE Performance Center, she quickly rose within the WWE ranks after being recruited in 2017. 

After she impressed talent scouts at a tryout in Shanghai, Li made her debut mere months later, competing in the inaugural Mae Young Classic tournament. Although she had little experience inside the ring at the time, Li didn’t fold under the immense pressure. 

Since then, Li has checked off one career milestone after another, from competing in the second-ever Women’s Royal Rumble Match to becoming a Superstar to watch in the NXT Women’s division. 

Earlier this year in the 2021 WWE Draft, Li was selected to join SmackDown, WWE’s weekly TV program for the entire family, featuring compelling characters and unmatched athleticism 52 weeks a year. SmackDown is broadcast in more than 180 countries and regions in more than 28 languages, covering 900 million households worldwide. As a global family entertainment company, WWE attracts millions of sports and entertainment fans and was the launching pad for stars like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and John Cena. 

Watch Xia Li on SmackDown every Friday night live on FOX. For more information, visit

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