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WORLD MADAM 2021 Global Finals Awards Ceremony CHN|USA|CAN

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WORLD MADAM 2021 Global Finals Awards Ceremony CHN|USA|CAN

北京时间2022年6月25日,2021 WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球总决赛颁奖盛典通过中、美、加三地线上联合成功举办。本场活动由厦门建发通商股份有限公司总冠名中国会场,好莱坞文化传媒集团总冠名美国会场、温哥华国际巨星舞台总冠名加拿大会场;本场活动由世界夫人集团总指导,并得到全球华侨领袖联盟、世界妇女联合会、国际选美总会、世界太太集团、世界夫人学院、中国国际网络电视集团、欧洲皇家艺术集团、UPlive泛娱乐直播平台、青岛世界夫人文化科技产业有限公司等单位大力支持。

On June 25, 2022, Beijing time, the 2021 WORLD MADAM WORLD FINALS Awards Ceremony was successfully held through the online joint meeting of China, the United States and Canada. The event was named by Xiamen C&D Commerce Co., Ltd. as the China Venue, Hollywood Culture and Media Group as the United States Venue, and Vancouver International Superstar Stage as the Canadian Venue; The event was guided by the World Lady Group, and was strongly supported by the Global Overseas Chinese Leaders Alliance, the World Women's Federation, the International Beauty Pageant, the World Wife Group, the World Lady College, the China International Network Television Group, the European Royal Arts Group, the UPlive Pan Entertainment Live Broadcasting Platform, and the Qingdao World Lady Culture and Technology Industry Co., Ltd.

WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球系列活动得到凤凰卫视、CCTV-4、央视频、澳广视、华夏卫视、汉天卫视、美西卫视、温哥华中文电台、龙鹰卫视、厦门卫视、上海电视台、甘肃卫视、大同电视台、嘉兴电视台等700多家媒体关注、报道与支持。本次总决赛颁奖盛典还通过Uplive、Youtube、Facebook、百度、B站、爱奇艺、虎牙、今日头条、微博、一直播、优酷以及WORLD MADAM世界夫人官方公众号、视频号、抖音号、快手以及部分夫人和主席团自媒体号约计100多个端口共同直播呈现。据不完全统计,当天累计全球超过百万人次同步在线观看。

WORLD MADAM series activities have been reported and supported by more than 700 media, including Phoenix Satellite TV, CCTV-4, CCTV, TDM, Huaxia Satellite TV, Hantian Satellite TV, American West Satellite TV, Vancouver Chinese TV, Dragon Eagle Satellite TV, Xiamen Satellite TV, Shanghai TV, Gansu Satellite TV, Datong TV, and Jiaxing TV. The awards ceremony broadcasted live via Uplive, Youtube, Facebook, Baidu, Station B, iQiyi, Huya, Toutiao, Weibo, Yizhuan, Youku, the World Madam official public account and video account, Douyin account, Kuaishou, and some individual self-media accounts of anticipants had more than one million viewers watching simultaneously.

2021WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球评选活动得到36个国家级组委申请或举办,最后共计89位入围,由于疫情因素,首先通过网络进行了为期45天的视频评选,对于部分无法到达中、美、加三个现场领取奖项的夫人,组委特别安排了对应礼仪大使代表夫人们参与活动并领取对应奖项。

The 2021 WORLD MADAM Global Finals involved 36 national-level organizing committees, and 89 candidates were shortlisted. Due to the pandemic, we spent 45 days first conducting evaluations by viewing candidates' submitted videos. For those who cannot be at the venues, the organizing committees of China, the United States, and Canada specially arranged etiquette ambassadors to receive the awards on behalf of the absent winners.

WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球品牌创始人、世界夫人集团董事局主席黄安妮、WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球执行主席Lisa Chen、WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球执行副主席Cady Xu通过线上联合进行了开场致辞。共同见证2021WORLD MADAM世界级夫人诞生。

Annie Huang, the founder of the WORLD MADAM global brand and chairwoman of the board of directors of the WORLD MADAM Group, along with Lisa Chen, the executive chairwoman of WORLD MADAM, and Cady Xu, the executive vice-chairman of WORLD MADAM, delivered their opening speeches jointly during the live broadcast and witnessed the birth of the 2021 World Madams.

随后,由WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球总决赛颁奖盛典中国会场冠名商代表,来自厦门建发通商股份有限公司的总经理葛政文进行了致辞。他表示:建发通商将积极支持WORLD MADMAM世界夫人各项爱心公益活动,通过帮助女性成长,与夫人们一起把慈善、环保和公益的理念,更深更广地传播到全世界。

Afterward, general manager Ge Zhengwen of Xiamen C&D Trading Co., Ltd., the title sponsor of the WORLD MADAM Global Finals Awards Ceremony, delivered a speech. He expressed that Xiamen C&D Trading will actively support the charity activities of WORLD MADAM to help women evolve and spread the importance of charity works, protecting the environment, and public welfare.

紧接着部分候选夫人及礼仪大使高举着旗帜入场,并在2021全球总亚军刘良子夫人主创作并演唱的《We are Word Madams》音乐声中掀开了总决赛第一篇章,夫人和代表团们向现场来宾和直播端口的观众展示了独特的自信与优雅。

Some attending candidates and etiquette ambassadors in China went up the stage with flags of their regions and kicked off the first Chapter of the awards ceremony by playing [We are World Madams] composed and sung by Madam Liu Liangzi, The 2021 Global Audience Choice Runner-up. The madams and the organizing committees showed unique confidence and grace to the live audience.

在《 夫人一小步,世界一大步》篇章中,候选夫人们和礼仪大使分别进行了精彩的才艺与礼服展示,此外,2020全球总冠军周春华夫人还特别为即将诞生的2021WORLD MADAM世界夫人精心录制了祝贺视频。WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球总导演、2021全球总决赛评委会总主席Alain Azoulay先生通过视频再次阐释了举办WORLD MADAM世界夫人的意义,对2021年全球活动进行了总结,并就2022年活动进行展望。

In the Chapter of [One Step for Madam, One Step for the World], the attending candidates and the etiquette ambassadors in China gave extraordinary talent and evening dress appearances. In addition, the 2020 global champion Madam Zhou Chunhua specially recorded a video to congratulate the upcoming 2021 WORLD MADAM winners. Mr. Alain Azoulay, the global Director of WORLD MADAM and the chairman of the judging committee for the 2021 Global Finals, again explained the significance of WORLD MADAM competitions through a video, summarized the 2021 global activities, and provided the outlook for 2022 activities.

WORLD MADAM世界夫人集团董事局主席Anni Huang


Interviewing Chairman of the Board of Directors of WORLD MADAM Group Annie Huang by Xiamen Satellite TV

WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球执行主席Lisa Chen


Interviewing WORLD MADAM Global Executive Chairwoman Lisa Chen by Phoenix TV

最后,在《为世界准备伟大的夫人,为夫人准备伟大的世界》隆重颁奖环节篇章中,WORLD MADAM世界夫人2021全球总决赛颁奖盛典圆满落下帷幕。

Finally, in the Chapter [Preparing a Great Madam for the World, Preparing the Great World for Madams], the WORLD MADAM 2021 Global Finals Awards Ceremony came to a successful conclusion.


全球总冠军Sandra leslie White (左)

Global Champion Sandra Leslie White (left) at the Awards venue in Kentucky, USA


全球并列总冠军Grace Kuo Lee (中)

Grace Kuo Lee (center), one of the two Global Overall Champions at the Chinese Taipei Venue


全球民选冠军Zaozao Wang(中)

Global Audience Choice Champion Zhazao Wang (center) at Los Angeles, California venue


At Vancouver, Canada venue

中国厦门颁奖会场 At Xiamen, China venue

WORLD MADAM世界夫人2021全球总决赛获奖名单:

List of winners of WORLD MADAM 2021 Global Finals:

WORLD MADAM世界夫人是彰显全球已婚女性魅力的综合服务平台,以“提升女性综合素质、树立杰出女性榜样、帮助贫困、残障妇女儿童、推动全球女性人才培养、维护社会稳定、促进世界和平与发展贡献一份力量”为宗旨。通过举办系列活动,链接世界各地在政治、经济、科技、文化、教育等领域富有影响力的已婚女性力量,通过 “One Step for Madams, One Step for the World夫人一小步,世界一大步、Crown Changes Lives 王冠改变人生” 唤醒和鼓励更多的已婚女性在为工作、家庭、下一代辛勤付出的同时,学习如何正确关爱自己;传播健康、美丽、爱心,关心和参与社会公益活动,帮助贫困、残障妇女儿童,共同为促进 “Families Share Harmony and Happiness Around the Global 全球家庭共享和谐与幸福” 愿景和目标而不懈努力。

WORLD MADAM, a comprehensive service platform, highlights the charm of women around the globe, improves the overall status of women, sets the standard for female role models, helps women and children in need, promotes global training for talented women, maintains social stability, and contributes to world peace and development. Through a series of activities, we connect influential women worldwide in politics, economy, technology, culture, education, etc. "One Step for Madam, One Step for the World" and "Crown Changes Lives" are the concepts to awaken and encourage more women to learn to properly care for themselves while working hard for their careers, families, and the next generation. Spreading health, beauty, and love, advocating social welfare activities, helping women and children in need, and making unremitting efforts to promote the vision and goal of "Families Share Harmony and Happiness Around the Global.”

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